Young people are living with their parents more than ever before, according to recent research by experts. However, for a wealth of reasons, young adults may be ready to fly the nest and wondering ‘what age can I leave my parent’s house?’
In my helpful article, we will explore some of the facts as to when it’s ok by law to leave and also discuss important issues if you are young and leaving home. Topics such as housing, working, and if you are entitled to any financial help such as benefits.
Young people of 16 or over can leave home legally whether or not their parents agree with your decision to leave. You must be 16 or over before your parents can ask you to leave home. However, they still have to legally provide a home and protect the welfare of any young person under 18.
So now we’ve nailed the short answer, for anyone wondering what age can I leave my parent’s house, we will start by exploring a few of the rules and laws around why you might be starting a new life away from your home.
What Age Can I Leave My Parents' House?
According to, once you have reached your 16th birthday you can leave home if you want to.
You can leave home with or without parental consent.
This means that your parents don’t have to agree with your choice and you can still leave home legally as long as you are 16.
However, according to, living on your own as a young adult can be difficult.
This could be because:
- You don’t have a way of paying for the things you need such as housing and food
- You won’t be able to get your own place such as a flat or house until you reach 18
Shelter is a U.K. organization that offers housing support to anyone young or old who is having housing difficulties paying for a home to live in.
Prepare First
As with anything important, don’t just leave home without making proper plans for how you will live and support yourself.
“your parents don’t have to agree with your choice and you can still leave home legally as long as you are 16.”
At What Age Can My Parents Tell Me To Leave Home?
For some young adults, there isn’t a choice to leave or stay living with their parents.
One or both of your parents may have told you to leave.
Under U.K. law you must be 16 before your parents can tell you to leave home.
According to the U.K. government who sets important guidelines about young people, it’s worth knowing that although parents can ask you to leave, they are still responsible for your welfare until you reach the age of 18.
Parents must:
- Provide a home
- Protect and maintain the child or young person
So now we’ve found out the answer as to what age you can leave home, let’s discover a little more about some of the reasons young adults might be starting a new life.
We will also find out that for some young people, there isn’t a choice.
“Although parents can ask you to leave at 16, they are still responsible for your welfare until you reach the age of 18".
Why Do Young People Leave Home?
Some young people leave home through choice. Others may feel forced to. Young people leave home for many different reasons.
It might be you want to live with your partner, have your own child to look after, live with friends or even feel unsafe.
Let’s look at some of the reasons below:
- Benefit problems: According to many young adults feel forced to leave home because of difficulties with pa benefits. (The help they get from the government to pay bills and buy things they need)
- Told to leave by parents or grandparents: Told to leave for breaking house rules or bad behavior.
- Local care: Some young people may be in local authority care and don’t want to live in either a hostel or bed and breakfast
- Abuse: Escaping violence or sexual abuse
- Living conditions: Some young people may be living in poor, unsuitable, or unsafe housing
- Death of parents: Parents may have died or for another reason left home
- Religious beliefs: Disagreements with parents about their faith of religious beliefs
Ok so now we’ve discovered at what age you can leave home, we will take a look at some of the reasons young people leave their parents home.
Along with wondering at what age can I leave my parents' home, one of the other important questions young adults might need to understand is the rules around renting a place to live.
Let’s investigate a little more, so read on to find out.
Can Young People Rent A Place To Live?
You won’t be legally entitled to a tenancy on either a flat, house or apartment until you turn 18.
This means you will have problems finding a place to live.
If you live with someone else who is 18 or over you may be able to have a ‘joint tenancy with a friend, partner, or other adult sharing with you.
You may be able to get someone else, such as a landlord or another adult to do it for you until you reach 18.
This is called holding the tenancy on trust.
Sometimes a landlord who owns the place you want to rent might ask for a ‘guarantor’.
This will be someone over 18 who agrees to pay the rent for you if you can’t pay. This person will usually have to be in a full-time job and possibly owns their own home.
An 18-year-old can apply to a local authority for housing as a ‘homeless person.
“If you live with someone else who is 18 or over you may be able to have a ‘joint tenancy with a friend, partner, or other adult sharing with you.”
What Counts As ‘Homeless?’
To be ‘statutory homeless’ you must:
- Have nowhere suitable to live
- Be eligible for help
- Be in what’s called ‘priority need’
- Not be ‘intentionally’ homeless
- Have a connection with the local area.
If you are unsure if you are any of the above or have nowhere to stay, find help here.
So for young people leaving home and renting, it could be that money is tight.
With recent figures showing unemployment for the young reached a whopping 530,000 from June to July 2021, you might be able to get help paying for somewhere to live.
Can Young People Claim Housing Benefits?
Young people in rented accommodation can claim housing benefits but under 25s with no children get a limited amount.
People who rent a room in a hostel or share a flat or a house can claim housing benefits. However, those aged 16 or 17 who have been in local authority care are not entitled to housing benefits. The
Everyone knows that the cost of living can be high even for older adults who have a regular job and money coming in every month.
Is there any help you can get if you are wondering at what age can I leave my parents' house?
What Financial Help Can Young People Get?
- Bank accounts: A child or young person can have a bank account but you won’t be able to get a credit card or an overdraft.
- Income Support: This money helps young adults over 18 who struggle to pay day-to-day living costs on a low wage. It’s usually only young people aged 18 or over who can get this help. If you are 16 or 17 and gave a child, are pregnant, or are on a training course can get help. If you have been in care and are 16 or 17, you can’t get income support.
- Crisis loans: Young adults might be able to claim a crisis loan from the Social Fund in an emergency. You may be able to get cash, a loan, or vouchers to help you buy the things you need.
- Jobseeker’s Allowance: Unemployed people aged 18 or over may get Jobseeker’s Allowance. Also, Unemployed 16 and 17-year-olds, who aren’t in full-time education can sometimes claim.
And Finally…
I hope this post has helped you understand more about when you can leave your parent’s home and some of the things you might need to do.
If you are a young adult and need some help and advice, The Runaway Helpline will help you if you are 17 and under, have run away from home, or has been forced to leave home.
Childline has a free helpline where you can talk to someone who understands. They will help any young person or young adult who needs help.
For more information on many other topics for young adults, check out more helpful posts on Roshel in a Rush.
Please share this post with anyone you think it may help.
Credit: All images on this page (Source).
Disclaimer: I am in no way giving you professional advice, information is for educational purposes only.