New Year, New Start- right? That's what I tell myself at the start of every year and this year was no different. Here is a list of the Top 5 achievable new year resolutions.
The thing about resolutions is that year after year if you don’t achieve them, then it can turn into your biggest regrets. So, ironically these are really a list of the top 5 regrets of the dying, meaning they are resolutions you can keep achieving not just every year but everyday, for the rest of your life.
There are people out there who don’t believe in the cliché of making new year’s resolutions. I was amongst those people. I don’t need to wait till the start of every year to do better and achieve the things I want to achieve. I get up and do the damn thing and make it happen. The real question is just how bad do you want it?
This posts is all about the Best Top 5 Important but Achievable New Year Resolutions Ideas.
1. Have the Courage to Live a Life True To Myself
Its important that your living life for you and not the life that other people such as your family and friends want you to live. Do what you think is best for you. You don't want to look back when you're on your deathbed and wish that you'd had the courage to life a life true to yourself, not the life others expected of you.
Follow your own path- you've got to look out for YOU.
2. Don't Spend Your Life Working So Hard
Hard work is important but ask yourself do you really have to work SO HARD. You are most likely to get 80% of the results from putting in 20% of the effort. Providing you do this in a SMART way.
We need money to get by, most people get it my working and trading their time for money. However, time is the most finite resource you have, you can never get more of it back. So why waste it working so much when you could be doing more important things like spending your time and energy with your family and friends, and on things that you'll actually enjoy. (No shade to people who love their work).
3. Have the Courage to Express Your Feelings
Snap out of your mediocrity. A lot of people suppress their true feelings in order to keep the peace between themselves and others. This may be hard to do but DON'T LET THAT BE YOU. You may not want to let people down, but being a people pleaser is unhealthy, not just for your relationships but also for your mental health. Be yourself 100%.
While I wish I could give you my whole playlist, here's a few songs about expressing your feelings that always gives me inspiration and empowerment.
Watch these 6 music video on YouTube:
4. stay in Touch with your Friends
Some achievable new year resolutions may be cliché but that doesn't mean its not true. You know that cliché that you loose touch with the friends that you made in High School, College and even at University. They say when it's over you all go your separate ways and get on with your own lives.
Well, if the friendship was that important to you, then you need to put more effort into keeping it. Nurture these life long friendships. The phone works in both directions. You can be the first to call instead of waiting for them to make the first move, no matter how many years has gone by. #SocialMedia
5. Let Yourself Be Happier
Happiness is a choice. So why not choose to be happy? You may not be able to control certain things in your life, but you can choose how you respond. Nothing ever grows in your comfort zone, so have the courage to try new things, go to new places and even meet new people. Staying stuck in your old patterns, habits and behaviour will get you the same results you've always gotten. So ask yourself, what do you really have to lose by trying something new or different? The worst that could happen is that when you're on your deathbed you realised that you have lived life fully.
They say in life you regret the thing that you didn't do instead of the things that you did. Never prioritise money or work over the things that truely matter. So ask yourself again just how bad do you want it.
Don't be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one change at life, full of regrets because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams.